Pytorch Neural Network Tutorial

Aladdin Persson
5 min readSep 12, 2020


Note: There is a video based tutorial on YouTube which covers the same material as this blogpost, and if you prefer to watch rather than read, then you can check out the video here.

In this post we will learn how to build a simple neural network in PyTorch and also how to train it to classify images of handwritten digits in a very common dataset called MNIST.

Specifically in this tutorial we will:

  • Load the MNIST dataset
  • Build a simple fully connected neural network in PyTorch
  • See how to train this network
  • Check the accuracy of our network on training data and testing data


First we need will need a couple of different packages

For loading the classical dataset MNIST we need the following packages from PyTorch we can do this using torchvision as follows

Note that torchvision.datasets contains many more "standard datasets" that you may want to play around with as well, such as CIFAR-10 and SVHN which can easily be loaded into PyTorch.

In this tutorial we use torchvision.datasets to load the data and if you are starting out learning deep learning they provide several datasets you can start working with before you dive into custom datasets. The following lines are all that's needed to load the MNIST train and test data. Here we are also setting a batch size which will be the amount of examples our network will see at a time when performing update steps.

The train_dataset and test_dataset are Torchvision dataset objects and in this example the only transform we apply to the images and labels is to convert them to PyTorch tensors with transforms.ToTensor() and this is a necessary step to train our network. The DataLoader() returns an iterator which will generate batches of the selected batch_size as tuples of (data, labels). We will therefor obtain 64 images at the same time from a batch with the associated correct label digit with those images. The argument shuffle determines whether these batches will be shuffled and you can default to setting it to True unless you are working with inherent sequential data. New batches will then be randomly selected each epoch which makes sure that the 64 examples inside a batch will be different from epoch to epoch.

Building the model

In PyTorch the general way of building a model is to create a class where the neural network modules you want to use are defined in the __init__() function. These modules can for example be a fully connected layer initialized by nn.Linear(input_features, output_features). We then define a function forward() in which the forward propagation of the model is performed by calling the defined modules and applying activation functions from nn.functional onto the input. When building the model you don't have to think about back-propagation as this will be taken care of automatically by PyTorch autograd.

In this network we use the rectified nonlinear unit (ReLU) activation function and apply it in the forward propagation using F.relu() and the fully connected network has one input layer, one hidden layer and one output layer with 10 nodes, one for each digit 0-9.

Setting up the training loop

We have now arrived to the point where we are ready to put it all together and train the model. First we will define some hyperparameters that are required for the training of the network. If you are using a GPU for the training and have cuda enabled the code will make sure all training is run on the GPU by transferring the model and data .to(device).

Then, we initialize an instance of the model NN, the optimizer and the loss function. When we initialize the model the weights and biases of the model will be initialized under the hood of PyTorch to random small numbers and if you want a customized weight initialization it can be added in the NN class.

In this tutorial we will use the Adam optimizer which is a good default in most applications. The standard loss function for classifications tasks in PyTorch is the CrossEntropyLoss() which applies the softmax function and negative log likelihood given the predictions of the model and data labels. This is also the reason why we do not apply softmax to the outputs from our neural network, because it is already included in CrossEntropyLoss and we do not want to apply it twice.

Now, we are ready to start training the model. We will loop through the epochs and then the train loader. For each batch we will perform forward propagation, compute the loss, calculate the gradients in back-propagation and update the weights with the optimizer.

Lastly, we want to make sure our model is learning by computing the accuracy on the training and test set. We will therefore code a function which checks the accuracy given the model and dataloader. In PyTorch a model can either be in the train or eval state which determines the behaviour of certain modules such as dropout or batch normalization that should act differently during training and testing time (don't bother too much if you don't know what those are). The default mode is train and when you evaluate a model you should toggle the model to eval. If you then want to continue training you would have to toggle it back to train. The attentive reader will realize that in this example, however, no module has different behaviour on train and test time. During evaluation you do not either want to spend valuable time on computing the gradients and all computations should therefore be under with torch.no_grad(). To check the accuracy of the model we will perform a forward pass on all batches in the dataloader, compute the predictions and then count how many predictions that correspond to the correct labels.

If you follow this tutorial you should expect to see a test accuracy of over 95% after 3 epochs of training. So after following this tutorial you learned how to setup a neural network in PyTorch, how to load data, train the network and finally see how well it performs on training and test data!

Leave a comment preferably on the YouTube video if you have any thoughts or questions! Here is a link to the Github repository where you can find this code, and many more similar to this!

Originally published at on September 12, 2020.



Aladdin Persson

I think I like to train Deep Neural Nets on large datasets, but idk because my gpu is a potato